
Deprivation of Physical Affection as a Main Cause of Depression, Aggression and Drug Abuse

For almost half a century, Dr. James W. Prescott has served to end human suffering through scientific research and advocacy. After 50 plus years of being self-funded, Dr. Prescott cannot carry the message further without your help. Please consider making a contribution today. You can support Dr. Prescott's work through the Institute of Humanistic Science:


"The Four Trojan Horsemen of the Apocalypse"
Not only have politicians until today failed to acknowledge the scientific reality of somatosensory-affectional deprivation (S-SAD) and its devastating effects on the human brain, the pioneering research by Dr. Prescott and his colleagues has been cancelled and covered up, under the false pretext that research on the origins of violence and on child abuse and neglect was "outside the scope of NICHD responsibilities". This section of the website tries to document the politics and history of violence research.

Dr. Prescott's work, popularized by the 1975 article Body Pleasure and the Origins of Violence, has been reprinted and cited numerous times in the literature. However, in the late eighties and nineties it has mostly been forgotten (a failure which is hopefully corrected by this website and others that followed it). Please read:

Disseminating the message: From the Futurist to Carl Sagan
The obstruction, cancellation, and cover-up of the research

Dr. Prescott, as a scientist and humanist, is still very active in promoting political and social change based on his findings, in spite of resistance from the "moral majority". Below you can find some of his letters and viewpoints.

Prescott, J.W. June 2016 Two Cultural Brains A synthesis of SSAD Theory that describes the dominant role that PAIN and PLEASURE have in shaping the developing brain (1. The sub-cortical emotional-social sexual brain; that is shaped primarily by the Matrilineal Cultures (Pleasure); and 2. the neocortical rational symbolic brain that is shaped primarily by the Patrilineal Cultures (Pain) that forms the Gender Equality Equation thar exist throughout the World Cultures.

The philosophical roots of these two dimensions of life are listed under the Theistic Religions and the Earth Religions.

There are 55 Exclusively Matrilineal Cultures and 150 Exclusively Patrilineal Cultures in the 400 Culture sample of Textor (1967).

Exclusively Matrilineal Cultures are extinct in modern human cultures. Patrilineal/Patriarchal Cultures dominate many cultures of the modern world.

Transforming violent cultures into peaceful cultures is not possible, without neutralizing Patrilineal/Patriarchal cultures and restoring Matrifocal cultures, as human history has recognized.

Textor, .R.B.(1967) A Cross-Cultural Summary (New Haven,: Human Relations Area Files (HRAF) Press


Article Rabbi Nathan A. Barack and James W. Prescott, Ph.D.: Letter Exchange
Letter exchange about the article "Body Pleasure and the Origins of Violence". Published in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, March 1976 (pp. 61-62). (last modified ).

Article Roger E. Greeley: Ingersoll On the Liberty of Man, Woman and Child.
Robert Green Ingersoll was the greatest champion and spokesman for the liberty of man, woman and child in the 19th Century. The Truth Seeker May/June (1989) (last modified )

Article Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace. (S736: 1893) Woman and Natural Selection. Interview.
Editor Charles H. Smith's Note: An anonymous interview printed on page three of the 4 December 1893 number of the Daily Chronicle.
"And are women to be the chief factors in bringing about this great reformation?"
"Yes; the hope of the future lies with women. When such social changes have been effected, that no woman will be compelled, either by hunger, isolation or social compulsion, to sell herself either in prostitution or uncongenial wedlock; when all women alike shall feel the refining influence of a true humanising education, of beautiful and elevating surroundings, and when there is an educated public opinion -- note that specially."
said Dr. Wallace. FULL TEXT

Letter Calderone, M.D. Mary (1978). Letter from Mary Calderone, M.D. to Larry and Althea Flynt concerning the Foundation For Human Development that Larry was going to establish. A great deal was lost in the lost conversion. February 13. Click HERE. (last modified )

Article James W. Prescott, Ph.D. (1979). Alienation of Affection.
Psychology Today. December. Reprinted in The Truth Seeker March/April (1989) (last modified )

Article Ten Principles of Mother-Infant Bonding for Health, Happiness and Harmony by James W. Prescott, Ph.D.
Dr. Prescott's concise summary of his practical recommendations for child rearing based on his research.

Article James W. Prescott, Ph.D. (1989): Sixteen Principles for Personal, Family and Global Peace
The Truth Seeker March/April (last modified )

Article Thomas Paine (1775): An Occasional Letter On The Female Sex.
Reprinted. The Truth Seeker May/June (1989) (last modified )

Article James W. Prescott (1989). Social-Behavioral Characteristics of Affectionate/Nurturant and Non-Affectionate/Non-Nurturant Primitive Cultures.
The Truth Seeker July/August. Summarizes the social-behavioral characteristics of nurturing and non-nurturing societies derived from the author's study of data on tribal cultures in R.B. Textor, A Cross-Cultural Summary, 1967. (last modified )


James W. Prescott, Ph.D.: The Truth About Sexual Monogamy
The Truth Seeker, November/December 1989, pp. 44-46 (last modified ).

Article Ibogaine & the Drugs of Religion
  • James W. Prescott, Ph.D. (1990). Addiction: Nature vs Nurture--Again?
  • Harrison G. Pope, Jr. (1990). Tabernanthe iboga: An African Narcotic.
  • James W. Fernandez (1989). Tabernanthe Iboga: Narcotic Ecstasis and the Work of the Ancestors.
  • James W. Prescott, Ph.D (1990). Drugs, Religion and the Healing Process.
The Truth Seeker Fall 1990 (last modified )

Letter Bonnie Lange, President, Truth Seeker (1991). Letter to Dr. Prescott informing him of the termination of his position as Editor, Truth Seeker - "We have become too hardcore scientific". January 16. Click HERE. (last modified )

Article James W. Prescott, Ph.D.: OPINION. The challenge: achieve gender equality.
An essay devoted to the necessity of gender equality in the Congress, a necessary but insufficient condition for women to gain equality with men that has been denied by the theistic religions. It took over 144 years for women to gain the equal right to vote; it is now time to complete the remainder of the revolution: the equal right to representation in the Congress. The San Diego Union-Tribune December 10. 1995 (last modified )

Letter James W. Prescott, Ph.D.: Letter to the New York Times
Jailing Mothers Is Always Too-Harsh Justice. Letter to The New York Times, published on August 21 1996 (last modified ).

Letter Robert G. Heath, M.D. Letter to Dr. Prescott
Letter of December 22, 1998, granting permission to post on our website "any or all of my published articles concerning the role of the cerebellum in behavior. This includes my studies with the isoltion raised monkeys that you provided for me - and the subsequent procedures (which) are developed for treating intractably ill patients." (last modified ).

Article James W. Prescott, Marilyn Fayre Milos and George C. Denniston (1999). Circumcision: Human Rights & Ethical Medical Practice.
The Humanist, Volume 59, Number 3, Pages 45-46, May-June.

Letter James W. Prescott, Ph.D.: Letter to the White House
May 1999 initiative (last modified ).

Letter James W. Prescott, Ph. D: Letter to Al Gore
Letter to Vice President Albert Gore and Mrs. Tipper Gore, September 3 1999. (last modified ).

Letter James W. Prescott, Ph.D.: Letter to Congressman Brian Bilbray
March 20 2000 letter regarding homicidal and suicidal deaths of children. (last modified ).

Letter James W. Prescott, Ph.D.: Second Letter to Congressman Brian Bilbray
March 22 2000 letter regarding the White House history of indifference to important research on the causes of violence. (last modified ).

Letter James W. Prescott, Ph.D.: Letter to Wesley Pruden, Editor in Chief: Washington Times
May 5 2000 letter, attempt to bring attention to the causes of suicide and homicide among youths (last modified ).

Article Arguments Against S-SAD Theory
History shows that societies which suppress body pleasure are more successful. Or does it? (last modified ).

Letter James W. Prescott, Ph.D. Letter to Dr. Francis S. Collins, Director, National Human Genome Research Institute, NIH.
Letter of 4 March 2003 concerning priorities of the genome project and why the bonobo chimpanzee was not selected for study, as it is the most peaceful and non-violent primate on the planet. It was emphasized that human violence is the principal health problem of the world. A bureaucratic letter was received that did not address the issues raised in the letter. (last modified ).

Letter James W. Prescott, Ph.D. Letter to Dr. Francis S. Collins, Director, National Human Genome Research Institute, NIH.
Letter of 14 March 2003 that was a follow-up of the letter of 5 March 2003 that questioned the health priorities of the genome project. The bovine genome is substantially less important than the genome of the bonobo chimpanzee (Pan paniscus). No response received. (last modified ).

Letter Duane Alexander: Response to Dr. Prescott's letter
June 26 2003 response by Duane Alexander, director of the National Institute of Child Health & Human Development, to Dr. Prescott which confirms the continuing denial of the research conducted under Prescott's leadership in the past (last modified ).

An essay in support of the Petition to the World Congress, 25th Anniversary of the Council for Secular Humanism. Unprinted manuscript (last modified ).

Letter James W. Prescott, Ph.D.: Letter to Dr. Thomas R. Insel, Director, NIMH.
Letter from October 6th, 2004 concerning his Submitted Statement: "NIH Violence Research: Is Past Prologue? Lessons Learned From 1994-2004", concerning their Conference: "Preventing Violence and Related Health-Risking Social Behaviors in Adolescents: An NIH State-of-The Science Conference." It was recommended that the failures to implement the recommendations of the 1994 NIH Conference on Violence be reviewed by the 2004 NIH Conference on Violence; and to recognize that teenage violence cannot be resolved without addressing how teen behaviors are shaped by their early life experiences. (last modified ).

Letter James W. Prescott, Ph.D.: Submitted Statement: "NIH Violence Research: Is Past Prologue? Lessons Learned From 1994-2004",
concerning their Conference: "Preventing Violence and Related Health-Risking Social Behaviors in Adolescents: An NIH State-of-The Science Conference." (October 13-15, 2004). Attention is drawn to the critical role of breastfeeding bonding for the prevention of violence, particularly suicide, which deprives the developing brain of critical nutrients for brain neurotransmitter development (Tables 2 and 7); and supporting cross-cultural data on weaning age 2.5 years or greater with low or absent suicide. (Table 3). (last modified ).

Letter James W. Prescott, Ph.D.: Letter to Dr. Zerhouni, Director, NIH
Letter of 11 February 2005 concerning the failure of the American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statement on "Breastfeeding and the Use of Human Milk" to address the failed consequences of Breastfeeding Bonding upon brain development and behavior and requesting corrective actions that included documentation of deleterious effects of failed Breastfeeding Bonding upon brain-behavioral development. (last modified ).

Letter James W. Prescott, Ph.D.: Letter to Dr. Gartner, Chairman, Section on Breastfeeding, American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
Letter of 11 February 2005 requesting that he distribute my letter to Dr. Zerhouni to the members of his Committee on Breastfeeding and to take corrective actions. This letter went unacknowledged. (last modified ).

Letter Dr. Alexander, Director National Institute of Child Health and Human Development to Dr. Prescott
Letter of 17 March 2005 which was in response to Dr. Prescott's letter to Dr. Zerhouni. This letter acknowledged that "I am unable to comment on the perceived deficiencies and omission in the recent American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statement on Breastfeeding and the Use of Human Milk". No concern was expressed on the relationship between low/impaired breastfeeding bonding and suicide that was documented in the letter to Dr. Zerhouni and which begged the question that such studies were too difficult to conduct since "two-thirds of all mothers in the U.S. and four-fifths of African-American mothers have weaned their infants by six moths of age" (last modified ).

Letter James W. Prescott, Ph.D.: Letter to Paul Kurtz, Chairperson, Council for Secular Humanism
Letter of 27 September 2005 for Secular Humanism's 25th Anniversary World Congress that requests the World Congress to endorse the Ashley Montagu Resolution To End The Genital Mutilation of Children Worldwide: A Petition to the World Court, The Hague. This action of the World Congress would reverse the egregious errors of the past by the Council for Secular Humanism, the International Humanist and Ethical Union, the American Humanist Association and the American Ethical Union that refused to endorse this resolution, which has been endorsed by Nobel Laureate Francis Crick; Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Corrigan Maguire; Dr. Jonas Salk and many other distinguished humanists, citizens and scientists.(see http://www.montagunocircpetition.org)
(last modified )

Letter James W. Prescott, Ph.D. Letter to Dr.Duane Alexander, Director, NICHD.
Letter of 28 October 2005 that summarizes the minimum nutritional requirements of the essential amino acids as described in The Merck Manual, 15th Ed (1987) and 17 Ed (1999-2005) for infants, children and adults and which highlights the increased amino acid requirements for Tryptophan (293% increase) and Tyrosine/Phenylalanine (478% increase) that is not reflected in changes in commercial infant formula to reflect these revised standards; additional cross-cultural data on 65 tribal cultures which document that 86% of cultures that have weaning age of 2.5 years or greater are rated low or absent in suicide; and request for reversal of my wrongful termination. Request to convene an Inter-Federal Agency panel to review documents and initiate biobehavioral and MRI brain scan studies to document impaired brain-behavioral development due to infant formula feeding and impaired maternal-infant/child bonding. (last modified ).

Letter James W. Prescott, Ph.D. Letter to Dr. Elias Zerhouni, Director, NIH
Letter of 28 October 2005 with copy of Dr. Alexander's letter requesting that he take corrective actions, as recommended in letter to Dr. Alexander. (last modified ).

Letter James W. Prescott, Ph.D. Letter to Dr. Lawrence Gartner, Chairperson, Section on Breastfeeding, American Academy of Pediatrics
Letter of 28 October 2005 with request to distribute letters to members of his Section on Breastfeeding and to take corrective actions. (last modified ).

Letter James W. Prescott, Ph.D. Letter to DHHS Secretary Michael O. Leavitt
Letter of 2 Feb 06 that reviews scientific evidence that infant formula milk is malnutrition for normal brain development and behavior and to establish a DHHS Committee to review the evidence submitted and to take corrective actions. (last modified ).

Letter James W. Prescott, Ph.D. Letter to Dr. Zerhouni, Director, NIH
Letter of 3 Feb 06 with copy of letter sent to DHHS Secretary Leavitt, that establishes the scientific evidence that infant formula milk is deficient in the essential amino acids which constitutes malnutrition for brain function and behavior that threatens the physical and behavioral health of generations of American children that requires immediate corrective actions. A request to distribute letter to DHHS Secretary Leavitt to the Directors of the various National Institute of Health concerned with the health of infants and children was made. (last modified ).

Letter James W. Prescott, Ph.D. Letter to Dr. Alexander, Director, NICHD
Letter of 3 Feb 06 with a copy of the letter sent to DHHS Secretary Leavitt. Dr. Alexander's rejection of the scientific evidence that nutritional deficiencies of infant formula milk and insufficient breastfeeding bonding leads to brain-behavioral disorders was deplored. A request was made to distribute the article "Prevention or Therapy and The Politics of Trust: Inspiring a New Human Agenda" to the various NIH Institute Directors concerned with the health of infants and children and the future of human societies was made. This article reviews the complexities of culture that support either peaceful or violent cultures. (last modified ).

Letter Dr. Duane Alexander, Director, NICHD/NIH letter to Dr. Prescott
Letter of 10 January 2006. Dr. Alexander rejects my analysis of infant dietary requirements of the essential amino acids based upon the recommendations contained in the Merck Manual (15th and 17th editions). Dr. Alexander also summarily rejects my tribal cross-cultural data that establishes strong linkages between weaning age of 2.5 years or greater with low or absent suicide, as "sound data". "This Institute, as I stated before, certainly supports breastfeeding, although sound data are lacking on benefits for the duration you advocate, or on the behavioral associations you claim". The breastfeeding projects that the NICHD supports remain unspecified. Letter reflects indifference to biobehavioral research findings and lack of research on the benefits of breastfeeding for "two years of age and beyond", as recommended by WHO and UNICEF. (last modified ).

Letter James W. Prescott, Ph.D. Letter to Dr. Gartner, Chairperson, Section on Breastfeeding, American Academy of Pediatrics,
Letter of 3 Feb 06, that cites the negligence of his Committee to review the relevant published scientific studies on the nutritional deficiencies of infant formula milk for normal brain behavioral development, as contained in the AAP Policy Statement "Breastfeeding and the Use of Human Milk" (2005) and to take corrective actions. (last modified ).

Letter James W. Prescott, Ph.D. letter Dr. Charles H. Halstead, Editor-in-Chief, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Letter of February 15, 2006 that alerts him to the dangers of infant formula feeding for the formation of the brain neurotransmitters necessary for social bonding and requesting his support for a national review of this subject by DHHS Secretary Leavitt and the urgent need to take corrective actions. (last modified ).

Letter Charles H. Halsted, M.D., Editor-in-Chief, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,
E-mail response to Dr. Prescott's letter of 15 February 2006 requesting his support for national inquiries into the malnutrition of infant formula milk upon brain-behavioral development, which contributes to the development of the neurodissociative brain. Dr. Prescott's reply regrets his refusal to become involved in this national public health issue that affects the lives of millions of children. (last modified ).

Letter James W. Prescott, Ph.D. letter to DHHS Secretary Michael O. Leavitt
Letter of February 15, 2006 alerting him to the letter sent to Dr. Halstead concerning the dangers of infant formula milk and impaired breastfeeding bonding for brain-behavioral development and the urgent need to take corrective actions. (last modified ).

Article WHO/UNICEF (1990). Innocenti Declaration. On the Protection, Promotion and Support of Breastfeeding.
Florence, Italy--1 August. (last modified ).

Article WHO: THE OPTIMAL DURATION OF EXCLUSIVE BREASTFEEDING Results of a WHO systematic review -- 2 April 2001
This WHO special report relies upon somatic growth, motor development and clinical disease states to assess the optimal duration of exclusive breastfeeding. There are no measures of infant/child brain development in healthy, well-nourished mothers to define healthy neural development consequent to breastfeeding compared to infant formula feeding. A WHO conclusion: "The available evidence is grossly inadequate to assess risks of deficiency in other micronutrients". This has particular relevance, as the essential amino acids are deficient in infant formula milk. See http://violence.de/prescott/ttf/cultbrain.pdf (last modified ).

Letter International Humanist and Ethical Union - General Assembly 2006, New York City Resolution on Male Circumcision. "Urges IHEU member organizations to oppose the practice of male circumcision for non-medical reasons." Click HERE for full statement.
See http://www.montagunocircpetition.org, http://www.webmagician.com/fightcirc/, http://www.nocirc.org for additional information on circumcision.


Correspondence and Supporting Documentation. Dr. Prescott, Dr. Rivera and Governor Minner.

In August 2005, the Delaware Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health, Jaime Rivera, M.D. FAAP, Director issued a report "The Fetal and Infant Mortality Review (FIMR) in Delaware: Findings From the Pilot Study and Lessons Learned About Implementing a Statewide FIMR". or by DHSS Publication site

The principle findings of this report were published in the Cape Gazette (March 14, 2006), which prompted a series of correspondence between this writer and Dr. Rivera. Delaware has a high infant mortality of 8.1 deaths per 1,000 live births with a rank of 40th among the States in infant morality rates--one of the worst in the United States (America's Health Rankings 2005 Ed. http://www.unitedhealthfoundation.org/)

One of the questions posed to Dr. Rivera: what was the number and percentage of infants who died during the first year of life that were being actively breastfed at the time of their death? Dr. Rivera's response: "Currently, DPH does not have data on the number and or percentages of infants who were actively breastfed at the time of their deaths"(Lt 9 May 2006). Dr. Rivera refused to make the effort to obtain this information; refused to take the effort to assure that the weaning age of every child be made a part of the immunological record; and concluded our correspondence with "It is my hope that his response concludes our correspondence related to this issue. I am sorry, but I have no further information to provide" (Lt May 19,2006). Other issues are addressed in the correspondence.

The letters of correspondence. -- Click HERE

Supporting documentation

- Delay of Breastfeeding increases neonatal mortality: New Study
- The United States with a rate of 6.43 deaths per 1,000 live births ranks 42th in infant mortality rate. That is worse then impoverished Cuba which ranks 40th in infant mortality in the 226 nation states listed by the CIA. Singapore has the 1st rank world record on infant mortality with 2.29 deaths per 1,000 live births. The US-Goverment CIA World Factbook Rankorder (Note: The CIA WORLD FACTBOOK assigns Rank ONE to the highest infant mortality rate.)
- Dr. Prescott`s article on breastfeeding (1997)
- AMERICA'S HEALTH RANKINGS, STATE RANKINGS-Infant Mortality Rate 2002, THE CIA WORLDFACT BOOK: Infant Mortality Rates (March 2006) -- Click HERE
- "Documents that breastfeeding in tribal cultures for 2.5 years or longer prevents depression and suicide in 77% of 26 tribal cultures studied." Prescott (2005) in: Psychotherapy and Politics International 3(3):194-211.

August 24. Reviews the role that toxic environments have on fetal/perinatal and infant mortality. Delaware has the sixth worst infant mortality rate in the U.S. and one of the worst polluters in the United States through the coal-fired Indian River Power plant. Fetal/perinatal mortality may be a better predictor of the consequences of the toxic environment than infant mortality. Maps of intrauterine and postnatal deaths by zip code is proposed to illustrate death clusters due to sources of environmental toxins comparable to the findings of John Snow who identified a polluted well in the cholera epidemic of London in 1854 and ended the epidemic by removing the well's pump handle.

Prescott letter of 1 September 2007 to Edward J. Sondik, Ph.D., Director, National Center for Health Statistics, CDC requesting assistance to map fetal/perinatal and infant mortality deaths for the State of Delaware to identify the Indian River coal-fired power plant as a source of these deaths and other requests. Click HERE

Article James W Prescott, Ph.D. (2007). Why breastfeeding mothers are important.
The Mother Sept/Oct 2007. West Sussex, UK. at: http://www.themothermagazine.co.uk/, http://www.artofchange.co.uk/
(last modified )

Link to this section: http://violence.de/politics.shtml#abortion_and_religion

Abortion and the Legislation of Religion


James W. Prescott, Ph.D.: Abortion or the Unwanted Child: A Choice For A Humanistic Society.
Advancing the thesis that abortion denied equals compulsory motherhood and the birth of unwanted children who become the populations for future social alienation, crime, violence and failure to love. The Humanist, March/April 1975 (last modified ).


James W. Prescott, Ph.D. (1978): Abortion and the "Right-to-Life": facts, fallacies, and fraud.
In: The Humanist July/August (last modified )


James W. Prescott, Ph.D. and Douglas Wallace, Ph.D. (1978): Abortion and the "Right-to-Life": facts, fallacies, and fraud. II. Psychometric Studies.
In: The Humanist Nov/Dec. pp 36-42. (last modified )


James W. Prescott: The Abortion of The Silent Scream
A study on the relationship between anti-choice and anti-life/pro-pain attitudes. Published in The Humanist, September/October 1986. (last modified ).


James W. Prescott, Ph.D. (1989): Personality Profiles of 'Pro-Choice' ad 'Anti-Choice' Individuals and Cultures.
In: Abortion Rights and Fetal 'Personhood' (Edd Doerr and James W. Prescott, Eds.) Americans For Religious Liberty. Silver Spring, MD. (last modified )


Michael J. Flower, Ph.D. (1989): Neuromaturation and the Moral Status of Human Fetal Life.
In: Abortion Rights and Fetal 'Personhood' (Edd Doerr and James W. Prescott, Eds.) Americans For Religious Liberty. Silver Spring, MD. (last modified )

Article American Jewish Congress: An Open Letter To Those Who Would Ban Abortion.
Published as a full-page advertisement in The New York Times, February 28, 1989. PDF format (last modified ).

Article Barbara Honegger (1989): A Proposed "Bodily Sovereignty" Amendment To The U.S. Constitution.
The Truth Seeker. May/June and statements by leading feminists, Abigail (Smith) Adams, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony and Margaret Sanger in defense of women's Constitutional rights to control her own body. (last modified )

Article Judge J. Flaherty (1978). In The Court of Common Pleas of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Civil Division. McFall v Shimp.
The Truth Seeker. May/June. File contains opinion and additional commentary by James W. Prescott, Ph.D. (last modified )


James W. Prescott, Ph.D. and Edd Doerr: Fetal Personhood: Is An Acorn An Oak Tree?
The Truth Seeker, May/June 1989, pp. 15-28 (last modified ).

Letter Bishop Leo T. Maher: Letter to Assemblywoman Lucy Killea
November 15 1989 anti-abortion letter. Published in The Truth Seeker, November/December 1989, p. 32. JPG Image (last modified ). For a PDF Version Click HERE. (last modified )

Letter James W. Prescott, Ph.D., et. al.: Bishop Maher Felony
An article by Prescott and a series of letters, written from January to June 1990, between Prescott (and Attorney Rita Risser) and Edwin L. Miller, Jr.; John Van de Kamp; and Steven J. Casey in response to Maher's letter. Published in The Truth Seeker, Summer 1990, pp. 43-48. PDF format (last modified ).

Article James W. Prescott, Ph.D.: Violence Against Women
Philosophical and Religious Foundations of Gender Morality. New Perspectives, 3/4 1995, pp.16-18 (last modified ).

Letter Letter from Hillary Rodham Clinton (The White House) of 4 March 1996 to Dr. James W. Prescott, which acknowledged his letter with attachments on the crises of mothers and children in America. This form letter gives no information on the subject matter of the letter. What "lasting change" does she have in mind? Click HERE. (last modified )

Letter Letter from Rev. William G. Sinkford, President, Unitarian Universalist Association of July 7, 2004 to Dr. James W. Prescott that declined to take action in opposing the legislation of religious belief that creates a theology of fetal personhood. Click HERE. (last modified )

Letter Letter from Rev Richard S. Gilbert, Interim Minister, First Unitarian Church, Ithaca, NY of 4 February 2005 to Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton requesting support for the Petition to Congress for legislation that would nullify the "Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 (H.R. 1997). Click HERE. (last modified )

Letter Galileo: Forced Testimony by The Inquisition
1633 statement that subordinated scientific truth to religious dogma, with 2004 commentary on the Unborn Victims of Violence Act. Word format (last modified ).

Article James W. Prescott, Ph.D.: Must Violence, Religion Go Hand in Hand?
March 6 2004 review of Mel Gibson's film, The Passion of the Christ, published in The Ithaca Journal. (last modified ).

Letter UUA: Unitarian Universalist 1982 General Assembly Resolution
that rejects a theology of fetal personhood. Word format (last modified ).

Letter Congressional Letter to Cardinal McCarrick from Catholic legislators
May 10 2004 letter concerning the abortion issue and separation of church and state. PDF format (last modified ).

Letter James W. Prescott, Ph.D.: Fetal Personhood
January 13 2005 letter published by The Ithaca Journal. (last modified )

Letter Rev. Richard S. Gilbert (2005). Letter to Senator Hillary Clinton with Petition to the Congress February 4, 2005. http://unitarian.ithaca.ny.us/SJC/RSGLetter20050204.html

Letter James W. Prescott, Ph.D.: Letter to Senator Diane Feinstein
July 20 2005 letter apprizing her of the "Petition to the Congress" submitted by the First Unitarian Church, Ithaca, New York, which has requested that the Congress initiate legislation to nullify the "Unborn Victims of Violence Act 2004" and to affirm the principles of separation of church and state and the rights of women to be free from compulsory motherhood (abortion denied). (last modified ).

Letter Rev. Richard S. Gilbert and Martha Ferger: Petition to Senator Hillary Clinton
January 23 2005 "Petition to the Congress" to nullify the "Unborn Victims of Violence Act 2004" (H.R. 1997). Petitions were also sent to Senator Schumer, Congressmen Hinchey and Boehlert. (These petitions are not posted as they are identical to the Clinton one). (last modified )

Letter Senator Hillary Clinton: Response to the "Petition to the Congress"
February 11 2005 response by Senator Clinton to the above communication by Rev. Richard Gilbert. (last modified )

Letter James W. Prescott, Ph.D.: Letter to Senator Hillary Clinton
March 22 2005 reply by Dr. Prescott to Senator Clinton's letter of reply which consisted of her dated form letter that referred to H.R. 1997 before it had come to the Senate. A more complete history of these events is available at the website of the First Unitarian Society of Ithaca's Social Justice Council. (last modified )

Letter Revised "Petition to the Congress" that was planned for submission to the General Assembly at the 2005 annual meeting of the Unitarian Universalist Association. Click HERE. Planned support to gather the necessary 150 signatures of the Delegates did not materialize.
(last modified )

Letter Current "Petition to the Congress" that emphasizes the violation of other religious faiths by H.R. 1997, particularly, as stated by the American Jewish Congress and the unconstitutionality of giving legal human personhood to the embryo-fetus. Click HERE.
(last modified )

Letter American Jewish Congress Declaration "Abortion and the Sacredness of Life". Click HERE.
(last modified )

Letter Ashley Cook (2005). Teenager given a life-sentence for "fetal murder". Click HERE. for story, June 7.
(last modified )

Letter James W. Prescott, Ph.D.: Letter to Dr. Sarah Weddington
July 7 2005 letter that apprized her of the actions of the First Unitarian Church, Ithaca, NY on its "Petition to the Congress" and requesting her assistance. Letter was not acknowledged. (last modified )

Letter James W. Prescott (2011). "PERSONHOOD" IS CONSTITUTIONALLY DEFINED. A response to State efforts to introduce legislation that defines Personhood beginning from the moment of conception, thus conferring civil legal status to Pius IX affirmation in 1869 of the doctrine of "Immediate Hominization" that replaced Centuries of Church teaching of the doctrine of "Delayed Hominization". Click HERE for document. (last modified )

Letter James W. Prescott, Ph.D.: Letter to Governor George Pataki
July 15 2005 letter which requested that he sign the emergency contraception bill and which apprized him of the actions of the First Unitarian Church, Ithaca, NY on its "Petition to the Congress", which summarized the religious rights issues on abortion. Letter was not acknowledged. (last modified )

Petition to Pope Benedict XVI

Letter of May 30, 2006, with supporting documentation that petitions Pope Benedict XVI to review and reverse the fateful theological decision of Pope Pius IX in 1869, which declared the doctrine of immediate hominization that negated centuries of church teaching and that of St Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas of delayed hominization and which led them to affirm that "Abortion, if early is not homicide". What new information did Pius IX have in 1869, not available to previous Pontiffs that led him to proclaim a theological doctrine that is more harmful and injurious to humanity than the erroneous doctrine that condemned Galileo for teaching that the earth was not the center of the universe. Click HERE for the Letter and supporting documentation. (last modified )

The letter to Pope Benedict XVI of 30 May 2006 has been translated into Spanish to make this document more available to the Spanish speaking community. In the words of the translator: "... I did it because I can contribute to the support of your ideas about women, religion and of course, children care." The next step is to obtain a translation into Portuguese given the strong support of Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Luia da Silva to women's human rights to Freedom of Motherhood, when he stated: "the state cannot abdicate from caring for this as a public health question, because to do so would lead to the death of many young women in this country." St Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas taught that "Abortion, if early, is not homicide."

James W. Prescott, Ph.D. Letter to the Editor,
The Ithaca Journal. April 14, 2007 on "Delayed Hominization". The following letter places "abortion denied", as an act of violence against women which compels "Compulsory Motherhood", in violation of the 14th Amendment that prohibits "involuntary servitude" (to religious dogma). Attention is drawn to the early Church teachings of "delayed hominization" where "Abortion, if early, is not homicide". The erroneous theological error of "Immediate Hominization" of Pius IX in 1869 calls for an explanation, which has caused world-wide suffering and deaths of women and her born unwanted children.



James W. Prescott, Ph.D. (2007). January 23. Letter to Dr. Zerhouni, Director, National Institutes of Health (NIH) concerning the lack of controls for personal genital hygiene in an HIV/AIDS study; the historical medical case of Dr. Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis (Vienna, Austria 1844) who virtually eliminated maternal mortality by having attending Physicians wash their hands; the use of Medwipes with an effective microbiocide to be used before intercourse; and noted that Surgery is a measure of last resort not the first resort and has never proven effective in controlling infectious disease. Click HERE.

James W. Prescott, Ph.D. (2009). Letter to Attorney General Eric Holder August 27. Calls for a Declaration that the Genital Mutilation of Children is an Act of Torture within the definitions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and U.S. Law; Declares that the Genital Mutilation of Male Children DEMANDS "Equal Protection of the Law", as provided by the 14th Amendment and that gives the same protection given to female children under PL 104-208, which declares female genital mutilation (FGM) a crime; and pursue a "Bodily Sovereignty" Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, as proposed by Barbara Honegger...
http://www.violence.de/prescott/letters/Bodily_Sovereignty_Amendment.pdf http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwBCElbVkuY&feature=related

Plus supporting documentation on the genital mutilation of children with copies to President and Michelle Obama; DHHS Secretary Sebelius and Secretary of State Clinton.

Department of Justice letter of 11 September 2009 in reply to letter to AG Holder, Jr of 27 August 2009 by Dr. Prescott, which rejects responsibility for "the issues raised your letter can best be answered by the Department of Health and Human Services". Click HERE. (Letter to Dr. Prescott from DOJ -- 11 September 2009)

James W. Prescott, Ph.D. (2009). Letter of reply to AG Holder, Jr. September 20. Rejects Department of Justice position of non-responsibility by the DOJ. Dr. Prescott stated:" I strongly disagree. The issues that I have raised are legal and Constitutional in nature that requires action by the Department of Justice, not the DHHS." A request that the DOJ address the relevance of the 14th Amendment and Judge Flaherty's 1978 OPINION were made. Click HERE. --(Letter of 20 Sept 09 to AG Holder, Jr. from JWP; and OPINION)

Petition To U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, Jr. GENITAL MUTILATION IS TORTURE. 17-20 October 2009. Presented by NOCIRC Booth 957 and The Ashley Montagu Campaign Against the Torture and Mutilation of Children at the 2009 Annual Convention American Academy of Pediatrics., Washington, D.C. Click HERE.

James W. Prescott, Ph.D. (2009). Letter to Dr. Francis S. Collins, M.D., Ph.D., Director, National Institutes of Health (1 October) which requests that he: 1) declares the genital mutilation of children an act of torture; 2) support The Ashley Montagu Resolution To End The Genital Mutilation of Children Worldwide: A Petition To The World Court, The Hague, as has Nobel Laureate Francis Crick and Dr. Jonas Salk, Founder, The Salk Institute or Biological Studies; and support Judge J. Flaherty's OPINION: "..."Forceable extraction of living body tissue causes revulsion to the judicial mind" ( and to the moral mind). Click HERE.

http://www.violence.de/prescott/letters/McFall_v_Shimp.pdf http://www.nocirc.org/symposia/fourth/endorse1.pdf http://www.nocirc.org/symposia/fourth/endorse2.pdf

James W. Prescott, Ph.D. (2009). Letter to President Obama (10 October)
congratulating him on receiving the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize; to take action to declare that the genital mutilation of children as torture, which is worse than waterboarding; to support The Ashley Montagu Resolution To End The Genital Mutilation of Children Worldwide: A Petition To The World Court, The Hague; to assure equal protection of the laws under the 14th Amendment in PL 104-208 to male children; and to affirm Judge Flaherty's OPINION: "...Forceable extraction of living body tissue causes revulsion to the judicial mind."

Oosterbaan, Andrew G. (2010). Letter of reply of 31 May from Chief, Child Exploitation and Obscenity Division, Criminal Division, Department of Justice to Dr. Prescott's letter of 10 October 2010 to President Obama requesting actions on the Genital Mutilation of Children As Torture (some seven months later); to enforce the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment to male children given the federal protection given to female children under PL 104-208 (Female Genital Mutilation is a Federal Crime, 1997). http://mgmbill.org/usfgmlaw.htm , http://www.violence.de/prescott/letters/McFall_v_Shimp.pdf; and to enforce the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states: "No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment." The substantive issues addressed in my letter to President Obama were ignored. Click HERE.

Prescott, J.W. (2010). 31 May. Letter of reply to Andrew G. Oosterbaan, Chief, Child Exploitation and Obscenity Division, Criminal Division, Department of Justice that rejected his non-substantive reply to my letter of 10 October 2009 to President Obama; copies of this letter with enclosures to Dr. Judith Palfrey, President American Academy of Pediatrics and to Senator Patrick J. Leahy, Chairman Senate Judiciary Committee to hold Senate Hearings on this blatant violation of Constitutional and International Law by the Obama Administration. Click HERE.

Prescott, J.W. (2010. 31 May. Letter to Senator Patrick J. Leahy, Chairman Senate Judiciary Committee that he hold Senate Hearings concerning the blatant violation of Constitutional and International Law by the Obama Administration concerning the Genital Mutilation of Children as Torture. Click HERE.

Prescott, J.W. (2010). 1 June. Letter to President Barack Obama that Chief Oosterbaan letter ill-served his Presidency and again requested personal action on his part. Click HERE.

David M. Levy, M.D.(1945). This case study of homicidal and suicidal rages induced by circumcision of a 6.5 year old child: "Psychic Trauma of Operations in Children". American Diseases of Children 69(1):7-25 portrays the hidden costs of genital mutilation that affects all of society and not just the child. Click HERE.

Prescott, J.W. (2010). Online letter "GENITAL MUTILATION OF CHILDREN IS TORTURE" in PEDIATRICS (29 April) concerning Policy Statement-Ritual Genital Cutting of Female Minors COMMITTEE ON BIOETHICS.
Pediatrics 2010; 0: peds.2010-0187v1-20100187

The Committee's overconcern with "culturally insensitive language" transcends their cultural/medical indifference to the human pain, suffering and trauma inflicted upon these genitally mutilated children--an act of torture which escapes them. The Committee On Bioethics has forgotten the First Medical Ethic: "First, Do No Harm". Click HERE.

Prescott, J.W. (2010) Genital Mutilation of Children Is Torture. A jpeg image that dramatizes the torture involved in the genital mutilation of children, which has life-long consequences. Click HERE.

PRESCOTT, J.W. (2011). 15 July. Letter to Dr. Margaret Chan, Director-General, World Health Organization (WHO) that opposed circumcision as a solution to HIV/AIDS and correspondence with Dr. Zerhouni, Director, National Institutes of Health (23 January 2007); and United States Attorney General Eric Holder (27 August 2009) that cited the "equal protection clause" of the 14th Amendment for the protection of boys that has been provided for girls by federal law. Click HERE for letter.

PRESCOTT, J.W. (2011). 6 September. Follow-up letter to Dr. Margaret Chan, Director-General, World Health Organization (WHO) that opposed circumcision as a solution to HIV/AIDS; and reviewed International Law and U.S. Federal law prohibiting female genital mutilation with a request that WHO finds the genital mutilation of children a Crime Against Humanity which is prohibited by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Click HERE for letter.

Prescott, J.W. (2011). 19 September. Letter to The Royal Dutch Medical Society that requests endorsement of the Ashley Montagu Resolution To End the Genital Mutilation of Children Worldwide: A Petition To The World Court, The Hague; and to Petition the World Court through Prime Minister Mark Rutte, as Head of State, to petition the World Court, The Hague to provide a de jure ruling that the genital mutilation of children is torture, which is prohibited by International Law. Click HERE for letter.

Prescott, J.W. (2011). 1 OCTOBER. Letter to Lewis R. First, M.D., Editor, Pediatrics that requests his support and that of the Pediatric Community to support the Petition To The World Court, The Hague that addresses the Human Rights violations associated with circumcision and a brief history of those events associated with this PETITION; and PDF single page copy of the history of those events that support this PETITION. LETTER and Petition to the World Court

Prescott, J.W. (2011). Letter to Dr. Peter W. Carmel, President, American Medical Association of 16 November 2011; his response of 13 December 2011, which did not address the many substantive issues of law raised in the Petition to the World Court; and which emphasized that the decision of the AMA delegates was unanimous. See here:

1. Letter to Dr. Carmel
2. Letter of response from Dr. Carmel
3. Petition to the World Court


Notre Dame Symposia on Human Nature and Early Experience, 10-12 October: http://ttfuture.org/blog/1181

Human Rights Before Religious Rights

James W, Prescott, Ph.D.
(11th Aug. 2012)

Germany is to be commended for its defense of Human Rights in that nation's Court's decision in Cologne, Germany on 7 May 2012 that found the act of circumcision on a Muslim boy constituted an act of bodily harm and a criminal act. The Austrian Province Vorarlberg agreed and has suspended religious circumcision, as has two hospitals in Zurich, Switzerland, which have also suspended religious circumcision pending judicial review that will determine whether International Law and Human Rights prevails over Religious Rights and practices, as the law of the land.

An essay has been written HUMAN RIGHTS BEORE RELIGIOUS RIGHTS that defends International Law and HUMAN RIGHTS over RELIGIOUS RIGHTS. This has been communicated to Chancellor Angela Merkel, Germany; Chancellor Werner Faymann, Austria and Federal Councillor Didier Burkhalter, Switzerland who are urged to support national and International Law above religious beliefs and practices as the law of the land.

Click here for
c) Letter from BISHOP LEO T. MAHER, San Diego.


The list of books in this section and the magazines below have been influential in illuminating the various dimensions of SSAD Theory and Practice. Magazines_of_Our_Times

History Betrayed: Maternal/ Child Care and The Health Of Nations

The section contains four letters, dated October 23, 2007, addressed to Elias A. Zerhouni, M.D., Director, NIH; Senator Joseph R. Biden, Jr.; Senator Thomas R. Carper; and Congressman Michael Castle that reviews a history of betrayal by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development(NICHD), National Institutes of Health (NIH) of its mission to support "research and training in the special health problems and requirements of mothers and children" (PL 87-838, Sec 441); the wrongful termination of Dr. Prescott in the support of those programs and reversal of that action; a call for Congressional hearings on this history that would lead to a national reorganization and new leadership that would yield a nation of health rather than a nation of illness, drugs and violence. Click HERE for letters; and Click BOOKS OF THE CENTURY #5 and #36 for supporting documentation.

U.S. Congressional Actions Requested

The posting of the following is to facilitate Congressional Actions and public discussion of the issues raised.

1. NICHD History of Betrayal of Mothers and Children--18 December 2007
2. Congressional Actions To Be Taken-- 18 December 2007
3. Letter Exchange With Senator Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
4. Letter Exchange With Senator Thomas R. Carper
5. NIH/NICHD History: A Graphic Documentation
6. NICHD Renamed: Eunice Kennedy Shriver NICHD


Letters to Senator Biden and Anna Quindlen of Sept/Oct 2008, which requests that full citizenship of women be recognized in America by recognizing their Human and Constitutional Rights to have a full and equal voice in determining the future of their nation, families and children by having Equal Representation in the Congress.

1st Letter to Senator Biden
2nd Letter to Senator Biden
Letter to Anna Quindlen, Newsweek and Enclosure

Letter http://www.violence.de/politics.shtml#DHHS-DOJ-2010

Prescott, J.W. (2010). Letter of 14 April 2010 to Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Department of Health and Human Services that rejects the DHHS position that the issues raised in previous correspondence are not appropriate for review by the DHHS but rather by the Department of Justice. These issues include the high prevalence of homicidal factors in infant mortality; breastfeeding prevents infant mortality & violence, particularly suicide in cultures who breastfeed for 2.5 years or longer; the genital mutilation of children; the NICHD unlawful abandonment of child abuse and neglect research; the history of violence research supported by the NIH, which was 0.5% of the 1994 NIH research budget; the unlawful termination of Dr. James W. Prescott for supporting research programs in child abuse and neglect which requested corrective actions; holding accountable public health officials and Institutions for perpetrating false testimony and fraud upon the Congress; and called for a Joint Task Force by the DHHS and DOJ to review the history of research by the U.S. Government with the failure of this effort to prevent violence; and to construct programs that could transform America from a Culture of Violence into a Culture of Peace.

Letter from Dep. of Justice, Sept. 11, 2009
Letter from Dep. of Justice, Nov. 17, 2009
Letter from Dep. of Health and Human Services, Apr. 5, 2010
Letter of reply from Secretary Sebelius 4 May 2010

Letter http://www.violence.de/politics.shtml#DHHS-1.27.11

Prescott, J.W. (2011). Letter of 27 January 2011 to Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Department of Health and Human Services concerning the failure to cite under Psychosocial Effects, in the The Surgeon General's Call to Acton to Support Breastfeeding 2011, U.S. Public Health Service, DHHS the critical role that lack of breastfeeding has in infant mortality;the high incidence of homicide in infant mortality that can be prevented through breastfeeding; and that later homicides and suicides can be substantially prevented through breastfeeding for "two years of age or beyond". Corrective actions are requested that acknowledges these Psychosocial Benefits of Breastfeeding to the Mothers of All Newborns, which optimizes brain-behavioral development of the newborn/ infant for peaceful, harmonious and egalitarian behaviors.

Article Prescott, James W. (2011). Sarah Palin Stokes The Fire Of The U.S. Culture Of Violence. January 10 - A commentary and analysis of why political violence is so rampant in the history of the United States and the World; why assassins are Conservative rather that Liberal; and the actions that must be taken to transform Violence into Peace. See essay HERE.

Prescott, James W. (2011): SARAH PALIN, POLITICAL CONSERVATISM AND THE AXIS OF VIOLENCE. An expanded view on the complexity of our Culture of Violence with our Two Moralities rooted in the Morality of Pain and Pleasure in human relationships. Evolutionary forces (Biological and Cultural) are not easily changed.

Article Beauvoir, Simone de (1949.2009). The Second Sex. Alfred A. Knopf.

James W, Prescott, Ph.D.

"There is a good principle that created order, light and man; and a bad principle that created chaos, darkness and woman." Pythagoras (circa 582-507 B.C.)
(In Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex, 1949/2009).

Gender Inequality has existed ever since human history has been written. Pythagoras has given a moral definition of being male and female that has set humanity and its civilizations on a collision course with the extinction of Homo sapiens. No species on this planet is as violent toward its females and her offspring than Homo sapiens.

There is not a theistic religion on this planet that has affirmed the full equality of the feminine with the masculine, which has set in stone the perpetration of violence against women and her children. Prescott (1989,1995ab) has reviewed this history in essays: Genital Pain vs. Genital Pleasure:"Why The One and Not The Other?"; "Violence Against Women": "Philosophical and Religious Foundations of Gender Morality"; "OPINION: The challenge: achieve gender equality"; and "A Proposed Bodily Sovereignty Amendment To The U.S. Constitution."

http://www.violence.de/prescott/truthseeker/genpl.html http://www.violence.de/prescott/women/article.html http://www.violence.de/prescott/letters/Gender.pdf http://www.violence.de/prescott/letters/Bodily_Sovereignty_Amendment.pdf

Simone de Beauvoir�s The Second Sex originally published in France (1949) and recently reprinted in a new translation by Alfred A. Knopf (2009) is considered the authoritative translation of her work and the leading intellectual document of the feminist cultural movement. It is the foundation for restoring full equality between man and woman that was lost with the passing of the hunter-gathers some 8,000-10,000 years ago.




Prescott, J.W. (31 January 2013). Mothers in Combat and Forced Separation From Their Infants and Young Children. Letter to Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates, 18 November 2009 that opposes Mothers in Combat and the dangers to the mental and emotional health of Mothers and Children consequent to maternal-infant/child separation. Reviews the psychosocial damage inflicted, which contributes to increased vulnerability to PTSD - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The recent announcement of Defense Secretary Leon Panetta that lifts the prohibition of Women and Mothers serving in Combat that equally qualifies Women and Mothers to kill and be killed is an abomination of what it means to be a Woman and Mother - the source of our Humanity. A call to oppose this decision and the dehumanization of our Humanity is made. THE FAMILY CARE PLAN cited by COLONEL LANGUIRAND in his reply does not support Mothers in Combat and dehumanizes Motherhood. We should not be training Mothers and Women to Kill.
Letter Gates
HERE, DOD Response HERE - Letter to Hagel HERE

PRESCOTT, J.W. (13 FEBRUARY 2013). This is an appeal to DOD Secretary Chuck Hagel to BAN MOTHERS from assignments to combat theaters throughout the world and from assignments that separate them form their infants and children. The letter concludes:

"This is a request that you review the enclosed material with the intent that you, as Secretary of Defense, ban Mothers from the combat theaters in the world and from military assignments that separate Mothers from their infants and children.

I am copying this letter with enclosures to Army Secretary Hughes and President Obama. You may wish to share this letter and enclosures with Secretary of State, John F. Kerry.

With best wishes for your success as Secretary, Department of Defense.

This letter has been copied to: President Barack Obama and Secretary of the Army, John McHugh

James W. Prescott, Ph.D.

Prescott, James W. (5 March 2013). WOMEN AS MOTHERS IN COMBAT: PETITION FOR ACTION. An essay that defends ACTION to ban MOTHERS from combat theaters throughout the world and to ban military assignments that separates MOTHERS from their infants and children was made A special appeal was made to selected ethical and moral Institutions that included: Unitarian Universalist Association; Tikkun/Network of Spiritual Progressives; American Humanist Association and Council for Secular Humanism.

Petition HERE

James W. Prescott, Ph.D. (8 April 2013). The Second Amendment: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed" has been vastly misinterpreted according to Peter Finn and other Constitutional scholars. Briefly stated, the Second Amendment's sole purpose is the security of a free State and not that of any other "security".

HERE, for extended Commentary and Finn's essay here.

Prescott, J.W. (2014) Letter of 1 September 2014 to The Right Honorable David Cameron Prime Minister of the United Kingdom that urged him to take stronger action on behalf of all children that are subjected to genital mutilation where, as Head of State, he could petition the World Court, The Hague, to affirm that the genital Mutilation of children is de facto violation of Article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; and Article 37 of the U.N. CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD.

Letter to Prime Minister Cameron
HERE, via British Embassy.

Prescott, J.W. (7 May 2015). Letter to Congressman Lemar Smith (R-TX), CHAIRMAN, House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology 2321 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515

This letter requests from Congressman Lemar Smith that his Committee take action on the NICHD/NIH VIOLATION OF PL 87-838 ON APRIL 15, 1975; CALLS FOR CORRECTIVE ACTIONS AND A NEW VISION FOR RESEARCH H.R. 1806 that recognizes the importance of SEC. 123. BRAIN RESEARCH THROUGH ADVANCING INNOVATIVE NEUROTECHNOLOGIES INITIATIVE of the National Science Foundation; and Specifically, that The CONGRESS Should MANDATE THE EVALUATION OF SALTZBERG'S "SEPTAL SPIKING" THAT WOULD IDENTIFY THE DANGEROUS VIOLENT OFFENDER; AND ITS APPEARANCE IN DEPRESSED, VIOLENT/AGGESSIVE CHILDREN WHO HAVE A HISTORY OF CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT, funded and administered by the National Science Foundation (documents attached).

The failures of the NICHD/NIH in this matter are detailed in my letter to Congressman Brian Bilbray (April 2000) with the failure of the Congress to act on this Petition (attached); and the actions of Secretary Caspar Weinberger to set fiscal obligations on the federal agencies to fund (P L87-838- (documents attached).

It is timely and necessary that the Congress set fiscal obligations and to require funding for projects that can quantify brain-behavioral disorders that can lead to programs of PREVENTON.

Letter to Congressman Smith

Letter to Congressman Bilbray HERE,


Letter Congresswoman Jackie Speier, CA-14, 29 May 2015,
c/o Katrina.Rill@mail.house.gov

Barron YoungSmith, Director of Communications / Legislative Assistant

Dear Congresswoman Spier,

The War Against Woman is as old as human history itself and is also a War Against her Children - Mother and Children are inseparable, Detailed in the accompaning attachments and Internet POSTS. Your attention is drawn to the letters to Former Congressman Brian Bilbray, CA 49th District and to Congressman Smith that requested action against the abuse and neglect if children and their Mothers that were ignored which continues to this day.

Gender Equality of Women must be the first Domestic Priority of the Obama Administration. I trust the enclosed information will be helpful to you in correcting the failures of the Democratic and Republican Administrations over the past some forty years, Any assistance that you can provide will be appreciated.
(Congresswoman Speier introduces resolution to allow for ratification of the equal rights amendment)


James W. Prescott, Ph.D. Director, BioBehavioral Systems

Letter of 26 May 2015 HERE,

Letter http://www.violence.de/politics.shtml#CONGRESSIONAL_and_SOCIETAL_FAILURE

9 JUNE 2015




On October 22, 2014, this writer requested from Congresswoman Pelosi, 12th District. CA and Speaker of the House, 113th Congress that Congressional Hearings by the House of Representatives on the violation of PL 87-838 by the National Institutes of Health be held. No reply was received to this request ((Pelosi, 2014).

On 18 March 1980, the NFFE published in The Federal Employee, an essay titled NIH HATCHED-JOB ON DISTINGUISHED SCIENTIST (NEFFE, 1980) which stated: �Fortunately, the bulk of evidence before the Special Council clearly demonstrates that reprisal is the only possible explanation for the agency�s decision to fire Dr. Prescott.� (NFFE, 1980).

On 10 June 1981, the NFFE wrote a letter to Dr. Prescott that stated, in part:�

�Additionally, the Legal Staff would not ordinarily be assigned to handle a case unless the outcome would be national in scope. Thus even though this case may have a broad reaching impact upon you personally, its scope is not of sufficient breadth to qualify for our continued support� (NFFE, Peirce1981). �. James M. Peirce, President.


The failure to recognize that violence against children and their Mothers is not �national in scope� by the NFFE Executive Council and its President reflects a profound ignorance that cannot be easily explained and negates the foundation of the NFFE�s reason for termination of legal Council on this matter.


It is the intent of this historical review is to petition the NFFR Executive Council and its current President,  William R. Dougan to reinstate its legal representation of Dr. Prescott; pursue this complaint in the federal Courts and to elicit Congressional action.




My letter to Congressman Brian Bilbray of 20 March 2000 of San Diego, CA requesting Congressional action was to no avail.

Congressman Bilbray�s letter of 6 April 2000 to Congressman Fred Upton, Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations was ignored. (Bilbray/Upton 4.6.2000).

These issues are well documented in the attached documents, which are national in scope and calls for renewed action by the CONGRESS, SOCIETY and all concerned CITIZENS.

James W. Prescott, Ph.D.

All Documents in One Zip File HERE,

Article James W. Prescott, Ph.D.: Curriculum Vitae
(last modified ).

Note: The abbreviation SAD for Somato-Sensory Deprivation has recently been changed into S-SAD in order to avoid confusion with the term Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), which first appeared in 1988, long after the publication of Dr. Prescott's SAD theory. You may therefore still encounter the term SAD in some of Dr. Prescott's articles, which have not been changed in order to maintain source authenticity.

Last updated: 07/05/2019 20:21:43. Erik Möller and colleagues, 1998-2017. Please email me in case you find any errors on these pages.

This Fight Sexual Mutilation WebRing site is owned by Erik Möller.
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