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The Obstruction, Cancellation, and Cover-Up of The Research: Analysis Denied

1998 NICHD studies on the topic

Recently epidemiological scientists at the NICHD have published papers on their studies of infant homicides. None mentioned or referenced the prior research of James Prescott which also identified the greatest risk factors for infant homicide about 20 years before.

The New England Journal of Medicine -- October 22, 1998 -- Volume 339, Number 17: "Risk Factors for Infant Homicide in the United States". By Mary D. Overpeck, Ruth A. Brenner, Ann C. Trumble, Lara B. Trifiletti, Heinz W. Berendes.

In this article the authors state in the abstract: "Homicide is the leading cause of infant deaths due to injury. More than 80 percent of infant homicides are considered to be fatal child abuse. This study assessed the timing of deaths and risk factors for infant homicide."

The researchers uncovered a disturbing trend: the number of homicides increased from 7.2 to 8.8 for every 100,000 births from 1983 to 1991. In fact, from 1988 through 1991, an average of 351 infant homicides were committed each year--almost one each day. Because of underreporting, the real numbers may be about twice this amount. From 7 to 27% of deaths attributed to unintentional injuries actually may have been due to child abuse or neglect. One reason mentioned for the increasing infant homicide is the increasing need for mothers to enter the work force.

View Document: http://www.violence.de/history/nichd1.html

The second article is:

PEDIATRICS Vol. 103 No. 5 May 1999, pp. 968-974: "Deaths Attributable to Injuries in Infants, United States, 1983-1991". By Ruth A. Brenner, Mary D. Overpeck, DrPh; Ann C. Trumble, Rebecca DerSimonian, and Heinz Berendes.

"A total of 10370 injury deaths were identified over the 9-year study period (29.72/100,0000 live births). The leading causes of death were homicide, suffocations, motor vehicle crashes, and choking (inhalation of food or objects). There was no significant temporal trend in the overall rate of injury death; however, this was because significant increases in the rates of death from homicide (6.4% year) and mechanical suffocation (3.7%/year) were offset by decreases in rates of death form fires (-4.75/year) and choking (-4.%/year)."

View Document: http://www.violence.de/history/nichd2.html